Mobile Task Forces (ARC-478)

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Mobile Task Forces
GroupOpen link
Group Id13112313
Detachment Commandert_xasranger (acting)
Operations Chieft_xasranger

The Mobile Task Forces (MTF) is a combative department in ARC-478. MTF is divided into two task forces, each with their own unique duties and specialities. The department has been headed by its second-in-command t_xasranger since October 8th 2023 due to the reignation of the previous Detachment Commander, Corraris.

The motto of the Mobile Task Forces is “Non morimur. Nos in inferno confortamus" (english: "We do not die. We strengthen in hell").

Task Forces


Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 is a task force that handles total-site failure scenarios, combative search and rescue, external security, and internal combative support for the Foundation. They are a special operations force deployed when Foundation Sites need to be secured and rescued. Their motto is ""Audaces Fortuna Iuvat" ("Fortune favours the bold").

The current Unit Captain (1iC) is phreezi and the position of Unit Lieutenant (2iC) is currently Tender_Lobes.


Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 is a task force that reports directly to the Board of Directors and is used in situations that require the strictest operational security. The task force consists of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives. They serve as the Board of Directors special operations unit. Their motto is "Veritas non promittitur, meruit" ("Truth is not promised, it is earned").

The current Unit Captain (1iC) is AstralVectris and the position of Unit Lieutenant (2iC) vacant.