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m (Fixed small typo in SL-5 subsection.)
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Sublevel-4 contains the civilian personnel offices and spawns. It is the civil sector of the Foundation. SL-4 also includes the clean rooms - a testing area for object SCPs.
Sublevel-4 contains the civilian personnel offices and spawns. It is the civil sector of the Foundation. SL-4 also includes the clean rooms - a testing area for object SCPs.
Sublevel-4 contains the Class-D Containment Zone and a spectator area behind a glass shield for civil personnel.  
Sublevel-5 contains the Class-D Containment Zone and a spectator area behind a glass shield for civil personnel.  
Sublevel-6 is a secure area that contains a large number of SCPs.
Sublevel-6 is a secure area that contains a large number of SCPs.

Revision as of 15:20, 17 January 2023

Paragon Research Institute
Developer(s)See list
Initial release6 August 2022

Paragon Research Institute (or PRI) is the primary game and facility for Paragon. The game began development on 21 March 2022, the creation of the group, and was released publicly on 6 August 2022.



Sublevel-3 contains the Facility Entrance, Mobile Task Forces offices/armoury and the Heavy Containment Zone.


Sublevel-4 contains the civilian personnel offices and spawns. It is the civil sector of the Foundation. SL-4 also includes the clean rooms - a testing area for object SCPs.


Sublevel-5 contains the Class-D Containment Zone and a spectator area behind a glass shield for civil personnel.


Sublevel-6 is a secure area that contains a large number of SCPs.


SCPs are split into three classifications: Safe, Euclid and Keter.


Restriction: SC-1
Containment Class: SAFE
Disruption Class: VLAM (2)
Risk Class: NOTICE (1)
Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 7
Location: ScD Cleanrooms
SCP-005 on a table.

SCP-005, also known as "Skeleton Key", is an antique, ornate key, displaying physical relation to manufactured objects of its like in the 1920s. When used, SCP-005 is rumoured to be able to open any locked door with the proper mechanism. The anomaly has only been experimented on within the confines of the Cleanrooms sector, and doors restricted to Security Clearance 1 and below. The Scientific Department has yet to use SCP-005 on any doors outside of the Cleanrooms.


When testing on SCP-005, an accompanying Facility Personnel holding equal or higher Security Clearance on the door in question must be present.


Restriction: SC-2
Containment Class: EUCLID
Disruption Class: EKHI (4)
Risk Class: CRITICAL (5)
Testing Clearance: Researcher - Specialized Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Researcher - Specialized Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 5
Location: Medium Containment Zone

It is mandated that all Personnel wear their hazmat suit when testing on SCP-008 and in the case of a breach. When wearing the hazmat suit, you are immune to the effects of SCP-008.

SCP 008, also known as the “Zombie Plague”, is a biohazardous Euclid anomaly, spread through airborne infection. Should a human be infected with SCP-008 or by an instance of SCP-008, they will turn into a zombie. There have been 3 reported types of zombies, each with their own properties and effects which are listed below. SCP-008 is preventable through biohazard suits and gas masks provided to ScD and MTF personnel. Should one become infected, they tend to lose all common sense, and will begin to spread the virus to non-infected members.

SCP-008's control system.

Different Gasses

SCP-008 has a control panel in which 3 different gasses can be released individually or in unison with one another. Each gas has different properties, and resulting anomalous changes to its subjected victims.


This iteration of SCP-008 will turn members who inhale this gas into what we call "standard zombies". They will appear as your stereotypical zombie, which you'd find in a horror film. With green skin, and below average motor control, they will begin to chase Personnel in efforts to spread the infection. They do not appear to be any faster than an average person, and exhibit no supernatural abilities or effects.


This gas will cause infected persons to become smaller or shorter than the average height, which is about 3 feet tall. They are capable of running at faster speeds than the average person, however they are easier to terminate as they have less health than SCP-008-1 instances.


SCP-008-3 will cause infected persons to become larger than the average human, about 9-10 feet tall. Instances who have been infected with SCP-008-3 are slower than the average person, and are easily avoided. However, the infected members do show a greater resistance to damage than the other 2 instances, and thus require more force to take down.


Restriction: SC-1
Containment Class: SAFE
Disruption Class: VLAM (2)
Risk Class: CAUTION (2)
Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 7
Location: ScD Cleanrooms

SCP-034, otherwise known as "Your Eternal Reward", is a spearhead made of what looks to be obsidian. Its texture is rough with countless marks of sharpening along its edges. Although it is harmless to the touch, the object's anomalous abilities occur when a subject uses it on another player. It’s effects take hold immediately after contact is made.

After being stabbed by the spearhead, the subject that wielded SCP-034 will take on every aspect of the stabbed subject. The items, name, skin, clothes, everything of the victim will be changed to have the wielder become a carbon copy but with a slight change to the copied name. Due to the nature of the replicating transformation, the victim perishes shortly after.


Restriction: SC-1
Containment Class: SAFE
Disruption Class: DARK (1)
Risk Class: NOTICE (1)
Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 7
Location: ScD Cleanrooms - Chamber 04

SCP-131, also known as “The Eyepods” are a group of anomalies, all of them with different personalities and colors.

SCP-131-R | Red


SCP-131-R is a small, red, teardrop shaped creature with a single white eye in the middle of it's body. SCP-131-R is known as a playful, mischievous instance of SCP-131, and often enjoys playing "pranks" on foundation personnel. SCP-131-R does not currently understand English, besides its name, "Red", and will need a translator if you wish to speak to it. Personnel are to be cautious of 131-R's tricks, and ensure they are not lead into forbidden areas.

SCP-131-B | Blue

A skittish and very uncooperative SCP-131 variant. It shows hate towards Class-Ds but more interest in Foundation Personnel. When a Class-D is present, it tries to avoid eye contact with them, unlike with FP. It will show interest for around 20 seconds before starting to mind its own business if the Foundation Personnel try to interact with it. It enjoys being alone and tries to ignore a person if one is nearby. Usually, it will stay in its containment and play alone.

SCP-131-O | Orange

SCP 131-O is one of the easiest instances to test out of all of the other SCP 131 instances. It enjoys spending time socializing and playing with others, and can easily bond with humans and get emotionally attached to them if treated with respect (a death of a friend can result in grief). This instance is also really cooperative with requests and seems to be naturally curious, easily getting engaged on interviews and tests; another trait of -O favourable for testing is that it dislikes lying or pranking others. SCP 131-O also likes to stand up for its friends when they are in distress, however, this trait comes with limitations if a situation gets out of hand. Finally, it is worth noting that SCP-131-O takes a particular liking to SCP 131-P.

SCP-131-W | White


SCP-131-W is a white, tear drop shaped anomaly. Sporting one large eye on its front and a small, black base on the bottom. SCP-131-W is capable of great speed via this black base. An understanding on how movement is achieved is yet to be discovered. SCP-131-W is generally friendly and cooperative in nature. Normally attempting to be useful by helping personnel in their duties. SCP-131-W does not show any fear of combatives or Class-D, attempting to play or interact with most personnel on-site. SCP-131-W commonly circles the person it is interacting with to signal agreement or friendship. It may also spin in circles when confused or looking for someone.

SCP-131-G | Green

SCP-131-G is a green teardrop shaped eyeball, similar to the other variants 131 has a small circular black base at its bottom. Generally Green remains very cautious of anyone or anything nearby and maintains eye contact with anyone interacting with it, however it can easily lose interest in said person walking away to find something else to look at. Green is scared by loud noises (Gunshots), it tends to jump about and spin in fear if anything unexpected happens. Green is also extremely cooperative with personnel and appears to enjoy talking with people, FP and CD alike. Green usually keeps a certain distance from people avoiding physical contact, although shows no fear of people unless they pose a threat to it.

SCP-131-P | Pink

A friendly and semi-cooperative as well as curious variant of SCP-131, likes to meet new people and explore areas. Only willing to do things that it finds interesting and will play games with Foundation Personnel when asked to, ex. tag, hide, and seek. Often nudges your leg wanting affection and attention

SCP-131-Blk | Black




Restriction: SC-2
Containment Class: KETER
Disruption Class: VLAM (2)
Risk Class: CRITICAL (5)
Testing Clearance: Researcher - Specialized Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Research Instructor - Senior Specialized Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 3 [5 for RI+]
Location: Heavy Containment Zone

All personnel who wish to interact/test on SCP-173 are to always maintain eye contact on SCP-173. It is also recommended that all personnel who come in contact with SCP-173 should be equipped with a flashlight if applicable. Blackouts are to NOT be used any time SCP-173 has breached containment.

SCP-173 also known as "The Statue", is a statue made from reinforced concrete built on a rebar and steel skeleton. Standing at approximately 3.7 meters tall, twice the size of a regular human, SCP-173 has four limbs which it can move freely as well as six appendages on each end of its arms which it can move freely as it desires. SCP-173 resembles that of a human with flexible joints, except for the fact a good chunk of its lower torso is missing revealing its spine and other connective rebar. Its head and face hold traces of spray paint and a mysterious substances which it excretes from its eyes. Despite being a completely solid object, SCP-173's head contains two holes which are presumed to be its eyes and method of sight. The only visible light coming from these holes are two faint white lights coming from an unknown source within its head.

SCP-173 is contained in a large Containment Chamber, located in the Heavy Containment Zone. Multiple pillars that seem to be broken in half are placed and stuck tightly into the grounds of the Containment Chamber. Personnel may know when SCP-173 is nearby if the lights appear to start flickering, scraping noises are heard nearby, or sudden noises start occurring, signifying its presence. SCP-173 has multiple unknown abilities that we are currently unaware of.[1]


Restriction: SC-2
Containment Class: EUCLID
Disruption Class: VLAM (2)
Risk Class: WARNING (3)
Testing Clearance: Researcher - Assistant Specialized Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Senior Researcher - Specialized Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 5
Location: ScD Cleanrooms

SCP-268, also known as the "Inconspicuous Cap", is a Euclid newsboy cap. SCP-268's anomalous effects don't manifest until worn by the user. When worn, SCP-268 will make it's user fully invisible to the eye. No physical harm comes to the user, and no other effects besides invisibility have been recorded. Talking, dancing, attempting to pick up SCP crates, and attempting to hack or open doors causes the user to become semi translucent, and visible enough to see. SCP-268's effects will not wear off over time, and are only fully broken when SCP-268 is taken off.

ℹ Info

In the event of a containment breach of SCP-268, combative personnel are to be aware pepper spray will effectively neutralize SCP-268's effects, and users cannot equip a gun or harm anyone while wearing SCP-268.


Restriction: SC-2
Containment Class: KETER
Disruption Class: EKHI (4)
Risk Class: CRITICAL (5)
Testing Clearance: Researcher - Specialized Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Research Instructor - Senior Specialized Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 10
Location: Heavy Containment Zone

All Researchers are mandated to wear hazmat before being allowed to enter the floor on which SCP-409 is held, this is to prevent a breach from occurring.


SCP-409, also known as “Contagious Crystal” is a Keter anomaly contained in the HCZ. SCP-409 has a mixture of White and Blue crystal-like appearance with what seems to be white dirt surrounding itself. There seems to be no other secondary crystals growing out from the Containment Chamber besides the main crystal itself. Surrounding SCP-409 seems to be Gas outputs, and when remains activated until closed. The gas seems to terminate any SCP-409 instance that interacts with the gas.

409 has multiple side effects on the afflicted if they were to touch the SCP's crystal. Several side effects have been documented, including loss of life, sore muscles, decreased running speed, resistance to a variety of sulphur-based explosives, such as bullets and grenades, and finally resistance to blunt force trauma. Instances of SCP-409 explode into multiple crystals similar to SCP-409 when terminated.[2]


Restriction: SC-1
Containment Class: SAFE
Disruption Class: DARK (1)
Risk Class: NOTICE (1)
Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 7
Location: ScD Cleanrooms

SCP-500, also known as "Panacea", is a round white label tightly encircles the red glass bottle in which SCP-500 appears. Unique handwriting appears on the white label reading "HEAL.". Directly beneath that, printed into the seal, is a red cross symbol. Inside the bottle counts forty-seven red pills. SCP 500's only way to afflict an individual is through the consumption of pills inside.

Effects of consumption that have been so far documented are,

  • Cures the host of any known illness they are afflicted with;
  • Cures the host of any current mental conditions they are afflicted with;
  • Completely removes pain felt by the user;
  • Cures the host of any current physical conditions.

There are currently no documented side effects from SCP-500 as well as it seems impossible to overdose on SCP-500-1.


Restriction: SC-2
Containment Class: SAFE
Disruption Class: KENEQ (3)
Risk Class: CAUTION (2)
Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Researcher - Specialized Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 3
Location: ScD Cleanrooms

SCP-662, also known as "Mr. Deeds," is a standard bell with intricate engravings. The bell looks modelled in the shape of a butler's bell used in around mid 18th or 19th century to call for service. It is made of very pure silver, so it requires routine polishing to prevent tarnish or any damage.

When shaken, it will make a ringing sound, and a figure dressed in formal attire resembling a butler will appear from any room or area that no one currently observes. This figure refers to itself as "Mr. Deeds." He always appears in a clean butler's uniform that was used in mid 18th to 19th century. The butler's uniform comprises of black suit, yellow vest and white shirt.

Mr. Deeds may complete small and straightforward requests made by the person that has rung the bell. Tasks deemed too hard by Mr. Deeds cannot be met, such as getting a sports car.






