List of Departments (Rovairo)

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This article contains a list of the current and past departments of Foxxism's SCPF, including structure, purpose, and sub-departments, listed alphabetically.

Engineering & Technical Service Department (E&T)

Main article: Engineering & Technical Service Department (Foxxism)

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: E&T
Overseer: HozoneFive
Director: VACANT (list).

The Engineering & Technical Service Department (E&T) is a civil department which maintains on-site systems including repairing generators that power lighting for each sector, windows and grates within the CDCZ that prevent Class-D personnel from escaping, walls that allow movement by hostile raiders through the site, and containment of select SCPs.

Ethics Committee (EC)

Main article: Ethics Committee (Foxxism)

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: EC
Overseer: toolboxV
Director (Editor): VACANT (list).

The Ethics Committee (EC) is a civil department that enforces, maintains, reviews, and amends the Code of Ethics (CoE). EC has two subcommittees:

  • The Sentencing Subcommittee (SSC) which conducts investigations into infractions of the CoE, (which they may punish via warnings or blackmarks) and is one of the three parties that vote on Class-E requests, representing an ethical perspective on the proposed sentence.
  • The Appeals Subcommittee (ASC) handles appeals for criminal punishments within the SCPF.

EC also has a mostly autonomous sub-department, the Office of Inspector Generals (OoIG, or IG). A member of the OoIG is known as an Inspector General (IG), and there is one IG assigned to each department (with the exception of DSI, MaD, and EC), as well as a Head Inspector General (HIG), who serves as the leader of the sub-department. IG's responsibilities include resolving departmental disputes as well as monitoring for corruption and abuse of power within departments and the criminal sentencing system. EC tends to have low on-site presence, with more focus placed on writing and revision of documents and legislation, outside of their other duties.

Department of External Affairs (DEA)

Main article: Department of External Affairs (Foxxism)

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: DEA
Overseer: LucyGears
Director (Head of Affairs): GenericYellowSquid (list).

The Department of External Affairs (DEA) is a civil department that manages relations with other groups within the genre, referred to as Groups of Interest (GoIs). They are responsible for reaching out for as well as receiving foreign relations. For hostile GoIs, this involves coordinating raid times, mediating raids, and maintaining raid guidelines. For allied GoIs, this includes maintaining legislation relating to said GoIs' presence on-site, and mutual lines of communication between SCPF and allied combatives.

Manufacturing Department (MaD)

Main article: Manufacturing Department (Foxxism)

Type: N/A
Abbreviation: MaD
Overseer: Foxxism
Director (Head of Manufacturing): AzurlifiedReaper

The Manufacturing Department (MaD) is a civil department responsible for development. They maintain and update the current site of the SCPF, Area-108, and are working on a new site, known as Antillia. Many different types of developers are professionally working for MaD, including scripters, builders, animators, and various artists.

Medical Department (MD)

Main article: Medical Department (Foxxism)

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: MD
Overseer: Hesitermisters
Director: VACANT (list).

The Medical Department (MD) is a civil department that practices various medical tasks. They perform checkups on Class-D personnel, can experiment with chemicals with varying effects, perform surgery, and perform experiments with SCP-500.

Mobile Task Force (MTF)

Main article: Mobile Task Force (Foxxism)

Type: Combative
Abbreviation: MTF
Overseer: False_Chaos
Director: AzurlifiedReaper (list).

The Mobile Task Force (MTF) is a military department made up of several specialized Task Forces each with their own hierarchy. There are currently three task forces:

  • Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" (A-1), which answers directly to the O5 Council, as opposed to the standard MTF hierarchy, and primarily performs guarding and any tasks given to them by O5s.
  • Theta-6 "Death's Veil" (θ-6) are the primary Recontainment Unit (RCU) of the SCPF. They recontain SCPs in the event of a containment breach, and accompany testing personnel when testing on hazardous SCPs.
  • Tau-7 "War Hammers" (T-7) are the primary combative task force, mostly guarding the CDCZ, and defending the site against raiders.

The duties of task forces do overlap (for example, Tau-7 recontains SCPs, and A-1 defends the site during raids), however each task force typically has authority over their specialization.

Science Division (ScD)

Main article: Scientific Division (Foxxism)

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: ScD
Overseer: False_Chaos
Director: bloxc1 (list).

The Science Division (ScD) is a civil department responsible for performing tests on contained SCPs in order to better understand their properties, behaviours, and effects. They perform these tests with the use of Class-D personnel as test subjects, along with combative personnel to serve as guards and recontainment units in the event of a containment breach.

Security Division (SD)

Main article: Security Division (Foxxism)

Type: Combative
Abbreviation: SD
Overseer: Vursice
Director (Chief of Security): cjtn10 (list).

The Security Division (SD) is a military department that performs most security duties around the site, as well as protecting non-combatives in the event of an emergency. They have three sub-departments:

  • Specialized Control Unit (SCU), an elite detachment which performs regular duties as well as guarding for SD directorate and disciplinary action for subordinate SD operatives.
  • Combat Medic Corps (CM), a detachment of paramedics that are able to heal their injured comrades.
  • Combat Engineers (CbE), a detachment of combat engineers that can repair damage in combat zones while defending themselves from potential attackers.

Department of Special Intelligence (DSI)

Main article: Department of Special Intelligence (Foxxism)

Type: Intelligence
Abbreviation: DSI
Overseer: Coolhay13
Director: Tagap1234 (list).

The Department of Special Intelligence (DSI) is a civil department that conducts investigations, intelligence operations, counterintelligence, and internal security, as well as enforcement of the Book of Criminal Justice (BoCJ), the legal codex of the SCPF. Official information regarding DSI is classified, so the nature of the department is largely vague and generally only known to the public by rumour, eyewitness accounts, and overt DSI activity.