Greetings, my name is Elijah, also known as Ika, Imperiumate or VisInvictaon ROBLOX.
I've been a long standing member of the genre, recording almost 7 years of presence in the genre.
I'm an official editor on this Wiki since January 1, 2023.
I've been a member of Foxxism's SCPF ever since early October 2017, and I was the 29th Editor there.
I've been a member of IndiaTechSupport's CI , and I was the 8th Director and 20th Commander there.
I am currently a member of VissaTempeste's GOC , and I am currently a honorary Nexus I there.
If you'd like to contact me regarding matters of the Wiki, you can do so via my Users' Discussion page, or via the Wiki's Discord Server.