Special Containment Procedures Foundation (CreepySins)

From Roblox SCP Wiki
Revision as of 21:31, 20 August 2024 by Aristaous (talk | contribs) (Expansion as a lot of information was missing or outdated, foundation framework was outtdated. replaced link with the new one. Added history section, expanded on the clearance meanings. Citations missing, requesting assistance in finding.)

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CreepySins' SCPF
Founded6 Feb 2016
FounderXeIIing, CreepySins & prixaly[1]
GroupOpen link
Group Id2760782

CreepySins' Special Containment Procedures Foundation (also CreepySins' SCPF or Taysav123's SCPF, formerly Andrew_Kennedy's SCPF) is a notable SCPF and the largest SCPF by member count, though the majority of the group members do not actively participate in roleplay, and come from Area-47. The foundation is part of Bulk Games, a studio owned by CreepySins. The foundation hosts Area 27 as their main site in the third version, with Area 47 being the roleplay counterpart.


CreepySins' hierarchy from most senior to least senior is as follows:

Most information gathered was sourced from the SCPF's 'Foundation Framework' Trello[2], or the previous framework trello.

The Administrator

The Administrator is the most senior individual within the SCPF, taking on a role similar to the chief executive. The Administrator actively participates in group politics and leadership. This is not to be confused with the Owner, Creepysins, who only controls legal concerns and development duties.

The Administrator

since 24 June 2024
First holderCreepySins

Studio Lead

The Studio Lead is the group of individuals responsible for leading the Manufacturing Department, and all development affairs.

Studio Staff

Studio Staff are individuals who are senior members of the Manufacturing Department, and given special permission to access all experiences of the SCPF directly, and able to implement changes, as well as organize and produce updates to the experiences.

O5 Council Head

The O5 Council head, or O5-X, is the head councillor for the O5 Council, and elected for a term of four months, and required to oversee the O5 Council and a respective department. Their executive powers are to alter Group of Interest classifications, authorize internal and/or external investigations or inquiries, issue Executive Orders, issue and delegate tasks to other O5 Council members, serve a role in the oversight of foreign affairs, and represent the SCPF as a whole.

O5 Head

since 28 June 2024
First holderOperation_Blxckout
Site Manager
First holderUnknown

O5 Council

The O5 Council is the senior administrative body responsible for general oversight of the Foundation. Unlike other SCPFs, a Councillor's designation (or number, e.g. 'O5-2, O5-3') is determined based on the department they oversee. O5 Councillors receive admin permissions on Area-27, and are excempt from foundation law.


Office: Office of the Administrator

Oversight: Foundation

Description: O5-1, The Administrator, is the seat of all power within the SCPF as prescribed before.


Office: Office of Foreign Affairs

Oversight: Department of External Affairs

Description: O5-2 is responsible for internal relations management, external relations between other Groups of Interest and Foundations, and the classification of these group/s.


Office: Office of Facility Maintenance

Oversight: Engineering & Technical Department

Description: O5-3 is responsible for the technical maintenance of the sites, and has no individual powers.


Office: Office of Scientific Research

Oversight: Science Department

Description: O5-4 is responsible for the oversight and general continuity of all scientific progression.


Office: Office of Internal Security

Oversight: Internal Security Department

Description: O5-5 is responsible for managing all domestic threats and initiating internal investigations.


Office: Office of Medicine

Oversight: Medical Department

Description: O5-6 is responsible for ensuring the general health of all assets of the SCPF, and the prevention of public health crises.


Office: Office of Intelligence

Oversight: Intelligence Agency

Description: O5-7 is responsible for managing and preventing external threats regarding intelligence via external operations.


Office: Office of Logistics

Oversight: Logistics Department

Description: O5-8 is responsible for the logistical procurement of all assets of the SCPF, and has no individual powers.


Office: Office of Ethical Management

Oversight: Ethics Committee

Description: O5-9 is responsible for the enforcement of all ethical policy and oversight of the Ethics Committee.


Office: Office of Security Services

Oversight: Security Department

Description: O5-10 is responsible for maintaining order within the sites and initiating the response to site threats.


Office: Office of Military Services

Oversight: Mobile Task Forces

Description: O5-11 is responsible for maintaining militarized order and the security of personnel from threats.

Level - 5

Level - 5 personnel are departmental directors, and considered executives regarding legislative policy. Level-5 Personnel form the Board of Directors. Level-5 personnel receive admin permissions on Area-27.

Level - 4

Level - 4 personnel are assistant departmental directors, and considered executives regarding legislative policy. Level-4 personnel receive admin permissions on Area-27.

Level - 3

Level - 3 personnel are considered departmental command. Personnel are awarded Level-3 if they hold Level-2 clearance, hold at least the first management position in a department, and successfully apply for Level-3 clearance with the Department of Admissions. Level-3 personnel receive limited admin perms on Area-27.

Level - 2

Level - 2 is the first rank requiring active participation in the foundation, and is made out of personnel that are holding at least the third rank in a department, excluding the "Suspended" rank. Personnel are awarded Level-2 clearance if they hold Level-1 clearance, fulfil the previously mentioned requirement, and successfully apply for it with the Department of Admissions. Level-2 personnel, together with Level-1 personnel, make up the foundations main workforce.

Level - 1

Level - 1 personnel are employees of the foundation. Personnel are awarded Level-1 clearance if they hold Level-0 clearance and successfully apply for such with the Departent of Admissions. Advancing beyond, unless contracted as Developer, requires the employment of a department. Level-1 personnel, together with Level-2 personnel, make up the foundations main workforce.

Level - 0

The Level-0 clearance is used as filter rank, and does not allow proper participation in the foundation. This rank is achieved by passing an application with the Department of Admissions as Class-D. Level-0 personnel are permitted to join the Medical Department and Logistics Department, though they can not pass beyon the entrance rank until they achieve Level-1 clearance.

Class - E

Class - E personnel are individuals who have been suspended from foundation employment by the Developers through a studio blacklist, an O5 Councillor. The Ethics Committee, Internal Security Department and the Intelligence Agency hand out Class-Es as standard punishments, along with formal warnings, if a person has violated the foundation framework[2]

Class - D

Class - D personnel are test subjects for the foundation, and the first rank given once joining the group.



The SCPF's history can be divided into three main sectionas, ending and beginning with the release of a new site version. Eras are often referred to as "Area 27vX", with X being the current site version (e.g. Area 27v1).

Area 27v1

Area 27v1 lasted from the founding to early 2020 and ended with the release of Area 27v2. The site, Area 27v1, was later licensed to other foundations after decommissionment. During this period, CreepySins has served as the administrator.

Area 27v2

Area 27v2 lasted from early 2020 to April 2024, ending with the release of Area 27v3. The site, Area 27v2, remains inaccesible to the public and was destroyed by a Developer, according to another developer. During this era, CreepySins has pulled back from group politics and has appointed Andrew-Kennedy as the Administrator. Andrew has resigned at around late September 2023, which caused Creepysins to return. During the late stages, v2 was plagued by dissatisfaction in the community and inactivity due to the dwindling hopes for Area 27v3, caused by frequent delays and missing communication from developers. Departments have excused their activity quotas, as the site was not giving enough activity for proper functioning.


Area 27v3, lasting since April 2024, is the current era of the foundation. It is marked by Taysav's promotion to Administrator, a rework of the foundations legal system, and the relaxation of multiple rules. The "de-edgification" is also mostly marked by this area, though the first steps to it, such as allowing Intelligence Agency personnel to publicly speak publicly already happenening in v2. During v3, the redacted sector was declassified as part of a larger plan of Taysav. This however happened after a scandal regarding the leakage of the redacted sector by CreepySins in the Area 47 discord, following multiple Class-Es handed out by the Internal Security Department after multiple foundation personnel have reposted said screenshot in the Area 27 discord.
