List of Overseer Councilors (Daxrentha)

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This article contains a list of all current and former councillors at Daxrentha's SCPF.

Current Councillors

Overseer Designation Term Started
106501037?size=100x100&.png Daxrentha O5-1 5 March 2020
69382214?size=100x100&.png Aurentha O5-2 15 October 2022
2434346508?size=100x100&.png Chedleee O5-3 15 October 2022
24529411?size=100x100&.png mario102030405 O5-4 15 October 2022
433335265?size=100x100&.png cubvul O5-5 15 October 2022
34509597?size=100x100&.png Fiiunky O5-6 15 October 2022

Former Councillors