Paragon Research Institute

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Paragon Research Institute
Developer(s)See list
Initial release6 August 2022

Paragon Research Institute (or PRI) is the primary game and facility for Paragon. The game began development on 21 March 2022, the creation of the group, and was released publicly on 6 August 2022.



Sublevel-3 contains the Facility Entrance, Mobile Task Forces offices/armoury and the Heavy Containment Zone.


Sublevel-4 contains the civilian personnel offices and spawns. It is the civil sector of the Foundation. SL-4 also includes the clean rooms - a testing area for object SCPs.


Sublevel-4 contains the Class-D Containment Zone and a spectator area behind a glass shield for civil personnel.


Sublevel-6 is a secure area that contains a large number of SCPs.


SCPs are split into three classifications: Safe, Euclid and Keter.


Restriction: SC-1
Containment Class: SAFE
Disruption Class: VLAM
Risk Class: NOTICE
Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Cross-Testing Clearance: Junior Researcher
Maximum Class-D Allowed: 7
Location: ScD Cleanrooms
SCP-005 on a table.

SCP-005, also known as "Skeleton Key", is an antique, ornate key, displaying physical relation to manufactured objects of its like in the 1920s. When used, SCP-005 is rumored to be able to open any locked door with the proper mechanism. The anomaly has only been experimented on within the confines of the Cleanrooms sector, and doors restricted to Security Clearance 1 and below. The Scientific Department has yet to use SCP-005 on any doors outside of the Cleanrooms.






Classification: Keter

SCP-173 also known as "The Statue", is a statue made from reinforced concrete built on a rebar and steel skeleton. Standing at approximately 3.7 meters tall, twice the size of a regular human, SCP-173 has four limbs which it can move freely as well as six appendages on each end of its arms which it can move freely as it desires. SCP-173 resembles that of a human with flexible joints, except for the fact a good chunk of its lower torso is missing revealing its spine and other connective rebar. Its head and face hold traces of spray paint and a mysterious substances which it excretes from its eyes. Despite being a completely solid object, SCP-173's head contains two holes which are presumed to be its eyes and method of sight. The only visible light coming from these holes are two faint white lights coming from an unknown source within its head.

SCP-173 is contained in a large Containment Chamber, located in the Heavy Containment Zone. Multiple pillars that seem to be broken in half are placed and stuck tightly into the grounds of the Containment Chamber. Personnel may know when SCP-173 is nearby if the lights appear to start flickering, scraping noises are heard nearby, or sudden noises start occurring, signifying its presence. SCP-173 has multiple unknown abilities that we are currently unaware of.[1]



SCP-409, also known as “Contagious Crystal” is a Keter anomaly contained in the Moderate Containment Zone. SCP-409 has a white crystal-like appearance with what seems to be white dirt surrounding itself. The crystal has two secondary crystals that split off. These secondary crystals have just as much ability as the main crystal. A pickaxe from either people that found SCP 409 or the transport sub-contractors is left swung into the dirt.

409 has multiple side effects on the afflicted if they were to touch the SCP's crystal. Several side effects have been documented, including loss of life, sore muscles, decreased running speed, resistance to a variety of sulfur-based explosives, such as bullets and grenades, and finally resistance to blunt force trauma.[2]








