Engineering and Technical Services (ARC-478)

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The Engineering and Technical Services (E&TS) is a civil department within ARC-478. E&TS has one sub-division, the Nuclear Engineering Branch. It is currently the largest department in ARC-478.

E&TS are responsible for maintaining, repairing and managing various site systems. This ranges from minor systems to systems that are critical for the site to function. This includes the on-site Nuclear Reactor, which is operated by the Nuclear Engineering Branch.

As of May 2023, the position of Director of Engineering (1iC) currently is vacant and Aelar_Galanodel, the current Foreperson (2iC), will assume the duties of the Director of Engineering.


Nuclear Engineering Branch

The Nuclear Engineering Branch (NEB) is a specialized sub-division of E&TS whose duties revolve around reactor operations. Due to the nature of this branch the induction process is tedious, however this ensures that only the sharpest of E&Ts deal with the most crucial duty on-site.

To join NEB, an individual must possess the rank Senior Technician or above in E&TS and pass the application process.


Rank Abbreviation Description
Director DiR Directs both the entirety of the Engineering and Technical Services Department and its divisions.
Foreperson FoP The Foreperson is the Second-In-Command of the Engineering & Technical Services and works closely with the Director with directing the department.
Chief Engineer CE Assistant leaders of the Engineering and Technical Services, in charge of the management and training of each Low Ranks and Medium Ranks. The Chief Engineers act as a Third-In-Command of E&T.
Technical Supervisor TS The bulk of the administration of the Engineering and Technical Services along with being a hosting rank. Their main duty is to train each of the Low Ranks and Medium Ranks, as well as ensure they are mature and active on site
Senior Engineer SE Senior Engineers are the main hosting rank of the Engineering and Technical Services department, their main duty being to train each of the Low Ranks, as well as ensure they are mature and active on-site. These personnel are not necessarily administrative personnel within E&T, although conduct plenty of essential duties for the department.
Engineer ENG Engineers are the first Medium Rank in the Engineering and Technical Services and are veteran members of the department. These individuals have proven that they are capable, dedicated and active within E&T, and are also expected to act as role models for lower ranks.
Senior Technician ST Senior Technicians are considered experienced members of the department which have demonstrated skill and determination in preforming their duties as a member of E&TS. Senior Technicians are allowed to apply for NEB.
Technician TEC Technicians are standard, fully fledged members of the department, having shown their knowledge of the tasks and responsibilities of E&T and competence at preforming them.
Intern Technician INT Intern Technicians are junior members of the department. Members in this rank will need to learn how to efficiently perform the duties of the department and prove their activity before being promoted.
Technical Apprentice APR This is the entry rank of the Engineering & Technical Services department. Technical Apprentices have to learn the basics of the department and how it operates before moving on.