List of Departments (ARC-478)

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This article contains a list of departments in ARC-478, their structure, directors, detachments and a brief summary of their duties. It is sorted first by combative departments and then civil departments in alphabetical order.

Mobile Task Forces

Main article: Mobile Task Forces (ARC-478)

Abbreviation: MTF

Site Directorate (Detachment Commander): t_xasranger (acting)

2iC (Operations Chief): t_xasranger

The Mobile Task Forces, a specialized detachment of elite personnel. These operatives have particular skill and training in many different ways and practices. Whether it is of knowledge, combat, and recontainment, or other means of specialty. These units are the best of the best when it comes to their field of expertise and are typically called upon as a last resort.

Their motto is “Non morimur. Nos in inferno confortamus" (from latin: "We do not die. We strengthen in hell").

As of October 8th 2023, t_xasranger has assumed the role of acting Detachment Commander of MTF following the departure of Corraris from the department.

Task Forces

MTF has 2 task forces:

  • Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 is a task force that handles total-site failure scenarios, combative search and rescue, external security, and internal combative support for the Foundation. They are a special operations force deployed when Foundation Sites need to be secured and rescued. Their motto is ""Audaces Fortuna Iuvat" ("Fortune favours the bold").
  • Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 is a task force that reports directly to the Board of Directors and is used in situations that require the strictest operational security. The task force consists of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives. They serve as the Board of Directors special operations unit. Their motto is "Veritas non promittitur, meruit" ("Truth is not promised, it is earned").

Security Corps

Main article: Security Corps (ARC-478)

Type: Combative

Abbreviation: SC

Site Directorate (Commander): Iizardware

2iC (Deputy Commander): Pinksheep0PGN

The Security Corps is the primary combative unit located within ARC-478. Being the backbone of on-site Security, the Corps provides protection to Foundation Personnel, controls the Class-D population, and provides security during SCP research.


SC has 2 detachments:

  • The Combative Medical Unit (CMU) was created to aid injured combatants on the battlefield. CMU has been equipped with minimal protection and less effective weapons to focus on assisting standard or specialized Security units. Admittance into CMU is held via applications in their own Discord server, found in the SC Trello board. Applicants must rank Private First Class in the Corps and Practitioner or above in the Medicinal Department to apply.
  • The Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) has the responsibility of providing protection and security functions to ensure the safety of Site Command. HRT is also responsible for responding to Hostage Scenarios involving Foundation Personnel and Site Command. Individuals seeking to join must rank of Private First Class in the Corps and pass the HRT tryout.

Department of Affairs

Main article: Department of Affairs (ARC-478)

Type: Civil

Abbreviation: DA

Site Directorate (Director of Affairs) Herostef

2iC (Council of Affairs): FractureBane

The Department of Affairs (DA) is tasked with recruitment of individuals into facility staff and managing the affairs within and outside of ARC-478.

Admittance into DA is held via applications in the DA Discord server. Applicants must posses Level-2 clearance or higher in order to apply.

Engineering and Technical Services

Main article: Engineering and Technical Services (ARC-478)

Abbreviation: E&T/EnT

Site Directorate (Director of Engineering): Aelar_Galanodel

2iC (Foreperson): turdledude12

The Engineering and Technical Services Department maintains, repairs, and manages a variety of systems within the ARC-478. This ranges from smaller and minor systems to larger and critical systems, including the on-site Nuclear Reactor which powers everything located on-site. Admittance into E&T is held via applications within the in-game application terminals.


E&T has 1 detachment.

  • The Nuclear Engineering Branch (NEB) is a specialized sub-division of the Engineering & Technical Services whose duties revolve around reactor operations. Due to the nature of this branch the induction process is tedious, however this ensures that only the sharpest of E&Ts deal with the most dangerous and risky duty on-site. Admittance into NEB is held via applications within the E&T Discord Server. Applicants must rank Senior Technician or above to apply.

Ethics Department

Main article: Ethics Department (ARC-478)

Type: Civil

Abbreviation: ED

Site Directorate (Chairman): SinisterScott

2iC (Vice Chair): Notlnspired

The Ethics Department enforces the Statue of Regulations by handling the cases of individuals who violate the SoR and hand out punishments to those guilty. As a result, ED is a large factor in maintaining the stability of the site.

Admittance into ED is held via interviews in the ED Discord server.

Medicinal Department

Main article: Medicinal Department (ARC-478)

Abbreviation: MD

Site Directorate (Director of Medical Services): MischievousMod

2iC (Medical Board Supervisor): WarTrendy

The Medicinal Department is responsible for the health and well-being of all personnel. This ranges from psychology to biohazard threats, they possess some of the most advanced equipment in the medical world in order to make sure all personnel are in their best shape. Admittance into MD is held via applications within the in-game application terminals. Applicants must posses Level-1 clearance or higher in order to apply.


MD has 2 detachments.

  • The Biohazard Control Division (BCD) is the response unit for outbreaks that occur on-site. They are equipped with specialized gear to contain and exterminate any infectious outbreak that occurs on-site. Admittance into BCD is held via applications within the MD server. Applicants must rank Doctor or above to apply.
  • The Psychological Association (PA) is responsible for the continued mental health of Foundation personnel. Their duties are typically result in reduced stress and enhanced the overall quality of life for employees. Their motto is "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am).

Science Department

Main article: Science Department (ARC-478)

Type: Civil

Abbreviation: ScD

Site Directorate (Director): PrismShadex

2iC (Assistant Director): ChampAtRoblox999

The Scientific Department is tasked with the research, and cataloguing, of the various anomalous entities and beings housed by the Foundation.

Admittance into ScD is held via applications in the application terminals located in-game. Applicants need to be Level-1 clearance or above to apply.