List of Departments (Daxrentha)

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This article contains a list of departments in Pathos, their structure, directors and their divisions. It is sorted first by Combative Departments, then Civil Departments, then Miscellaneous Departments in alphabetical order.

Mobile Task Forces

Type: Combative
Abbreviation: MTF
Overseer: mario102030405
Director (Field Chief): Turntapp (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Field Chief The Field Chief is the highest-ranking and most experienced member of MTF. They are placed in charge of leading the department by managing a wide variety of administrative work, in conjunction with other departments SC-4
Field Major The Field Major is the second highest-ranking member of MTF and can be thought of as a second Field Chief. They also do a ton of administrative work with the Field Chief and ensure the department is running smoothly on a day-to-day basis. SC-4
Task Force Captain A Task Force Captain is the person placed in charge of an entire Task Force. They have risen the ranks of their task force and now manage the day-to-day work of it such as punishments and smaller-scale decisions. SC-3
Task Force Lieutenant The Task Force Lieutenant is the second highest-ranking person in a task force. They assist the Task Force Captain and help manage the Task Force Sergeants and carry out administrative work. SC-2
Task Force Sergeant A Task Force Sergeant is a senior member of a task force who is given the responsibility of hosting trainings, assisting new members, and carrying out punishments. SC-2
Task Force Specialist A Task Force Specialist is a more experienced operative in a task force. They are given extended permissions and are expected to mentor new members. SC-2
Task Force Agent A Task Force Agent is a standard agent of a task force, serving as the main working force of the task force. They have basic permissions and decent knowledge about MTF. They are expected to be curious and dedicated. SC-2
Field Cadet A Field Cadet is a brand new member of the department, recently passing the tryouts. They are given two weeks to prove themselves and choose a task force. SC-2

Task Force Crimson-9 is in charge of recontainment and anomaly handling. Task Force Rhino-8 is in charge of heavy combative deployment. Task Force Falcon-2 is in charge of medical aid, marksmanship, and VIP protection.

Scientific Department

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: ScD
Overseer: Fiiunky
Director (Chief Researcher): miemper & Grydor (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Chief Researcher Chief Researchers are the head of the Scientific Department. Chosen by the Overseer of the Scientific Department, Chief Researchers are involved in significant decisions for the department, as both part of the High and Central Command. SC-4
Senior Researcher Senior Researchers are committed ScD Command members who have proven themselves to be excellent. They are handpicked directly by Chief Researcher+ for superior judgment, effort within ScD, et cetera. SC-3SC
Adept Researcher Adept Researchers are the core members of the administration and management of the low command. Through commitment, recognition of their competence, and training, they have been invited to MC by HC. SC-1
Research Specialist Research Specialists is a handpicked junior command role of trust. They have demonstrated through their work, their demeanor, and their effort that they are the trusted researchers in the department. SC-1
Researcher Researchers are the foundation of the general minds behind core research. They've done several tests/interviews, and are fairly experienced with testing procedures. SC-1
Junior Researcher Junior Researchers are entrants who have advanced and passed their Entrant Orientation. Additionally, they have conducted a few tests of their own, and have at least a general knowledge of testing operations. SC-1
Entrant Entrants are the new interns to ScD and are just exploring the operations within ScD. For them to begin testing, they are required to pass an Entrant Orientation. Their permissions are quite limited in tests. SC-2

Security Department

Type: Combative
Abbreviation: SD
Overseer: Deadshot167
Director (Chief of Security): Arkzockt & Vasek_Stolba (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Chief of Security Chief Researchers are the head of the Scientific Department. Chosen by the Overseer of the Scientific Department, Chief Researchers are involved in significant decisions for the department, as both part of the High and Central Command. SC-4
Security Lieutenant Senior Researchers are committed ScD Command members who have proven themselves to be excellent. They are handpicked directly by Chief Researcher+ for superior judgment, effort within ScD, et cetera. SC-3
Security Officer Adept Researchers are the core members of the administration and management of the low command. Through commitment, recognition of their competence, and training, they have been invited to MC by HC. SC-1
Security Corporal Security Corporals are on the verge of becoming Security Officers, working closely with them through Officer-assigned groups. SC-1
Security Specialist Security Specialists are senior members of the department who have shown their dedication and worth. They are quite experienced with SD-related matters and know its regulations and policies well. Specialists SC-1
Security Agent Security Agents are the “base” rank and serve as the bulk of the department’s members. They are usually the most populated rank and are expected to have adequate knowledge/experience regarding SD regulations and policy. SC-1
Security Cadet Junior Researchers are entrants who have advanced and passed their Entrant Orientation. Additionally, they have conducted a few tests of their own, and have at least a general knowledge of testing operations. SC-1
Security Intern Security Interns are newly accepted members into the department via SD Applications. Interns typically have little to no knowledge of SD protocols and regulations, hence having no combative jurisdiction. SC-1

The Security Response Unit is in charge of handling large hostile attacks. The Military Police is in charge of public safety and law enforcement. The Combat Support Unit is in charge of medical and combat aid.

Department of Diplomatic Affairs

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: DDA
Overseer: Daxrentha
Director (Diplomatic Ambassador): sillydog939 (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Diplomatic Ambassador Diplomatic Ambassadors are in charge of the management and welfare of the entire department. SC-4
Foreign Minister Foreign Ministers are responsible for supervising Diplomatic Counselors, as well as assisting them with any requests regarding the department and it's administration. SC-3
Diplomatic Counselor Diplomatic Counselors are in charge of minor administrative tasks and assisting low-command members. SC-2
Senior Diplomatic Officer Senior Diplomatic Officers are experienced members who manage foreign affairs. SC-2
Diplomatic Officer Diplomatic Officers are trusted members in charge of doing most of the diplomatic work. SC-2
Diplomatic Agent Diplomatic Agents are new members who are learning the basics of diplomacy. SC-2

Ethics Committee

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: EC
Overseer: TMxtthew

Director: Winter_Selection (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Committee Director The Committee Director is in charge of all Committee operations. They are the main connection between the Committee and O5 Council. SC-4
Committee Executive Committee Executives are in charge of assisting Director with their duties. Executives are assigned to fields (usually boards), which they oversee. SC-3
Senior Committee Member Committee Seniors manage members of the Committee and assist them in their duties. Each of them manages a different field. SC-2
Committee Member Committee Members are the main working force of the department. SC-2
Junior Committee Member Junior Committee Members are slightly more experienced members with further jurisdiction. SC-2
Committee Intern Committee Interns are new members who are learning the basics of the department. SC-2

The Judicial Review Board (JRB) is a board established under the direct supervision of the Office of the Director with the purpose of maintaining a fair and consistent justice system within the foundation. The Criminal Review Board (CRB) is responsible for adjudicating all reports sent to the Ethics Committee, and issuing proper punishment varying from formal warnings, to foundation exiles.

Medical Department

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: MD
Overseer: Fiiunky
Director (Specialist in Charge): Bomtarax (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Medical Director The Medical Director is the complete head of the department. They control nearly everything in regards in the department and are mainly responsible for the quality of the command team. SC-4
Medical Board The Medical Board are people with outstanding excellence and efficiency, so much so that the Medical Director hand-picked them. SC-3
Specialist Specialists are extremely active and trustworthy individuals who have proven themselves and risen to the ranks to become a Specialist. SC-2
Physician Physicians are highly active and skilled members of the department. They have shown enough commitment to be hand-selected from the ranks of Practitioners. SC-2
Practitioner Practitioners are similar to Nurses but have shown more dedication and prowess within the department. SC-1
Nurse Nurses are the most populous rank with a decent amount of available activities and powers. SC-1
Medical Student Medical Students are the entry-level rank of the Medical Department and have to prove their abilities and learn about the department before ranking up. SC-1

The Emergency Medical Services are in charge of rapid deployment of medical aid.

Anomaly Actors

Type: Miscellaneous
Abbreviation: AA
Overseer: mario102030405
Directors (Actor Director): AmpleIyric1327 & Mike74_2099 (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Actor Director Actor Directors are responsible for all of the administration of the department and are heavily involved within the Manufacturing Department in relation to new SCPs, Lore, and building suggestions in relation to SCPs. SC-4
Actor Organizer Actor Organizers are responsible for supervising Senior Actors, as well as assisting them with any requests regarding the department and it's administration. SC-3
Senior Actor Senior Actors are responsible for lower administration of the department, and have a direct relay of communications to Anomaly Actors High and Central Command SC-2
Actor Actors are the main working force of the Anomaly Actors, they can act as most SCPs. SC-2
Junior Actor Junior Actors are somewhat experienced actors still learning the more complicated SCPs. SC-2
Trainee Actor Trainee Actors are new members who are tasked with learning the fundementals. SC-2

Internal Security Service

(Formerly known as the Department of Internal Affairs)
Type: Miscellaneous
Abbreviation: ISS
Overseer: Vacant
Director (Director of Intelligence): SamiBlahaj (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Director of Intelligence The Director of Intelligence is in charge of managing the department as a whole, often in conjuction other departments. SC-4
Officer In Charge Officers in Charge are tasked with maintaining efficiency and security of operations and managing Specialist Officers. SC-3
Specialist Officer Specialist Officers are the medium command are in charge of guiding lower members and doing minor administrative work. SC-2
Operations Officer Operation Officers are the main working force and do most of the necessary tasks. SC-2
Intelligence Officer Intelligence Officers are experienced members who are trustable enough to be promoted to Provisional Officer. SC-2
Provisional Officer Provisional Officers are new members in charge of learning the complex field of intelligence. SC-2

Manufacturing Department

Type: Miscellaneous
Abbreviation: MaD
Overseer: Mario102030405
Director (Technical Installation Director): Vacant (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Lead Developer The Head of Manufacturing is in charge of leading the department. SC-4
Senior Developer Senior Developers create most of the new ideas and projects while guiding lower members. SC-3
Studio Developer Studio Developers are full-time and trusted developers. N/A
Junior Developer Junior Developers are new members with extended responsibilities. N/A
Intern Developer Intern Developers are new members of temporary contract workers. N/A

Quality Assurance is in charge of testing all updates and new features. The Lore & Story Production is in charge of creating new lore and managing old lore.

Engineering & Technical Services (defunct)

Type: N/A
Abbreviation: E&TS
Overseer: N/A
Director: N/A (list).


