Office of Self-Accountability

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Revision as of 06:59, 11 June 2024 by Redactably (talk | contribs) (npov; grammar; changed to past tense due to the group no longer existing; added dissolved date on the info board)

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Office of Self-Accountability
Founded30 May 2024


Dissolved10 June 2024

The Office of Self-Accountability (OSA) was an anti-pedophilia and exposure group operating primarily in the SCPF genre. It's goal was to find and publicly expose pedophiles, degenerates, etc. on Roblox, leading to their removal from many organizations they are a member of. OSA came to prominence after it's exposure of duerice, a former Pathos high-command member. OSA was allied with a few SCPFs, GoIs, and similar organizations. OSA had three subdivisions; the Office of Cybercrime Investigations for OSA intelligence/investigations, the Office of Diplomatic Affairs for public relations, and Moderation for enforcing server rules. All of these subdivisions were joinable through applications or handpicks.[1] On 10 June 2024, the OSA server was deleted by Q6ri5544_backup2 for reasons of it being fun, as well as due to the fact that he disagreed with how ThreeO_o ran the group. ThreeO_o created a document to be voted for publication; however, one of the genre representatives leaked the document, resulting in the Attack on Darkness community to raid the OSA Discord server.[2]

Notable Actions

See also
