List of Departments (Paragon)

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Revision as of 02:05, 27 July 2023 by Alfred (talk | contribs) (Minor changes to director position of AAC)

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This article contains a list of departments in Paragon, their structure, directors and their divisions. It is sorted first by combative departments, then civil departments in alphabetical order. This article also includes non-departments which have a Security Class 4.

Mobile Task Forces

Main Article: Mobile Task Forces (Paragon)

The Mobile Task Forces (MTF) is a combative department. It is split into four specialized task forces: Delta-1, Lambda-7, Eta-9, and Omega-4

Lambda-7 Main combative force dealing with large scale riots and raids.
Delta-1 Main protective force responsable for the protection of SC-3+ personnel.
Eta-9 Main containment task force responsible for the containment and recontainment of SCPs located in PRI
Omega-4 Ceremonial task force considered a sub task force.

Security Department

Main Article: Security Department (Paragon)

The Security Department (SD) is a combative department of Paragon. It has two divisions: Military Police and the Security Response Unit.

Scientific Department

Main Article: Scientific Department (Paragon)

Type: Civil
Abbreviation: ScD
Overseer: NotNlkko

Director (Research Director): Thenameis_User (list).
Deputy Research Director:[1] QdiggityDoge, Vasik30 (list).

The Scientific Department of the SCP Foundation is a team of elite individuals specializing in anomalous research and unconventional techniques. Conscripted among the best scientists in the world, the Scientific Department furthers the advancement and technology of humanity by leaps and bounds. Other research institutes pale in comparison to might and efficiency of the Scientific Department.

ScD admittance is held through applications in the application center.


Rank Description Security Class
Research Director Responsible for all Scientific Department operations, executive lead of all administrative functions. Granted Security Class-4 within the main group and is the department's representative to Foundation Senior Command. [CAP:1] Security Class 4
Research Deputy Director Responsible for the managment of the Scientific Department together with the Research Director. Granted Security Class-4. [CAP:2] Security Class 4
Research Manager Second-in-command to the Director and responsible for all operations during their absence. Their main task is to oversee the rest of Command and ensure that the department's day-to-day operations are running smoothly. Granted Security Class-3 within the main group and represent the department to Foundation Command. [CAP:3] Security Class 3
Board of Research Main Administrative body of the Scientific Department. Are in charge of overseeing the Junior Command and assist the High Command in managing the department. [CAP:6] Security Class 2
Research Instructor Experienced veterans of the Scientific Department who hold the lowest command rank within the department. The primary task of Research Instructors is to host events for Entrants and other non-command personnel. [CAP:20] Security Class 2
Senior Researcher Senior Researchers have enough experience and are given a more advanced clearance to conduct tests which may have dangerous outcomes. Members are automatically granted Security Class-2 within the main group and are expected to serve as role models for those below them. Security Class 1
Researcher Standard members of the department who are well-versed in its operations, Researchers make up the bulk of the Scientific Department and are responsible for conducting tests and attending events. Security Class 1
Junior Researcher Recently promoted Entrants who are still new to the department's operations. They may not conduct tests on dangerous SCPs however are allowed to spectate all events onsite. Security Class 1
Entrant New members who have completed their application and are official members of the department. They may conduct certain tests however have a lot of work to do before moving up the ranks. Security Class 0

Ethics Committee

Main Article: Ethics Committee (Paragon)

The Ethics Committee (EC) is a department responsible for the enforcement of the Code of Ethics.

Anomaly Actors

Main Article: Anomaly Actors (Paragon)

The Anomaly Actors (AA) is a department responsible for acting as player-controlled SCPs.

Audit and Accountability Committee

Type: Internal
Abbreviation: AAC
Overseer: IsaMack
Director (Executive Director): Cop1ed_Username (list).

The Audit & Accountability Committee is the Foundation's internal auditing body, tasked with evaluating and guaranteeing effectiveness, efficiency, and ethicality within the operations of the Foundation's administration apparatus by using its investigative authority and resources to report and advise the O5 Council on administrative matters of interest. The AAC is also responsible for the enforcement of ordinances and directives ratified by the O5 Council. Furthermore, the AAC investigates harmful or threatening acts inflicted upon community members, and works to protect the victims of such acts.

Manufacturing Department

Main Article: Manufacturing Department (Paragon)

(for a list, see List of Developers)
Type: N/A
Abbreviation: MaD
Overseer: The Founders
Director (Manufacturing Site Director): Vacant (list).

The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the group's development. It creates Paragon's games and various other services, such as the Terminal bot or Discord graphics.


Rank Description Security Class
Manufacturing Site Director Responsible for directing and managing development. Site Director
Head of Development Responsible for directing development. Security Class 4
Lead Developer Responsible for leading a field of development. Security Class 3
Developer Security Class 2
Junior Developer Security Class 1
Probationary Developer Security Class 1
QA Advisor Not Applicable
QA Tester Not Applicable

Community Moderation Team

Main Article: Community Moderation Team (Paragon)

(Non-Department entity)
Abbreviation: CMT
Director (Lead Moderator): Vacant (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Lead Moderator Security Class 4
Senior Moderator Security Class 3
Community Moderator Not Applicable
Probationary Moderator Not Applicable

Internal Tribunal Department

Main Article: Internal Tribunal Department (Paragon)

Abbreviation: ITD
Director (Tribunal Director): Vivyxs (list).


Rank Description Security Class
Tribunal Director The Tribunal Director acts as the main director and leads the Department. Actions and changes within the Internal Tribunal Department are mainly under their own authority to decide. The Director is also the only rank which holds the authority to overwrite and overturn punishments which are rightfully agreed to be altered. The cap for Tribunal Director is 1. Security Class 4
Tribunal Inspector The Tribunal Inspector is the deputy of the department. The Tribunal Inspector hold the right and responsibility of managing the daily affairs of the department, while the Tribunal Director is creating new things. The cap for Tribunal Inspector is 1. Security Class 3
High Tribunal Officer High Tribunal Officer are the command members of the ITD. They hold the right and responsibility of managing administration in the department, acting as a deputy and assistant to central command, inspecting the department and acting as the high authority figure to all lower ranks. Members who receive this rank are longtime and extremely trusted associates of the Division. The cap for High Tribunal Officer is 4. Security Class 2
Senior Tribunal Officer Magistrates are experienced members of the Internal Tribunal Department. This is the junior command rank within the Division. Senior Tribunal Officers are able to supervise Paralegals and have full judicial power to appeal punishments. Security Class 1
Tribunal Officer Officers are full members of the department, they are handling the usual duties of the department. Security Class 1
Paralegal New members who have completed their application and are in their probationary phase, they will have to do orientations before they can do their duties. Security Class 0


  1. The Scientific Department has two Security Class 4 positions, however, Deputy Director is still subordinate to the Director