GOC Branches

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The GOC is comprised of 5 Branches. Those divisions make up the operations of the Coalition, from enforcement, to combat. Each division has its part, and more complex divisions have even more sub-units, individuals in these divisions may be given additional perks in accordance to their ranks, as an example members of PNEUMA may be authorised moderation access in their associated servers. In conjunction with the divisions are all managed by NEXUS COMMAND and above.
With that being said each group of interest has their own variation of the core divisions that are held within the Global Occult Coalition, most notably being the basics of Enforcement, Combative, Diplomatic, and Development. All of which the Coalition has under each of its own branches, because of this each division has its own secretariat whom operate as a NEXUS COMMAND to fundamentally operate the Coalition in a more administrative setting to prevent damage to anything associated to the Coalition's normalcy and operations.


Each of the branches within the Coalition can be deferred to the primary Global Occult Coalition Casefiles, and they're all represented in the form of Roblox Divisions for separating, and delegating tasks to each member of the Coalition, to prevent overlap, and to distinct each member of the Coalition from the authority of which they hold, and the abilities they have to further and expand forward on the branch and how it functions optimally.

The PSYCHE Branch

The PYSCHE Division
GroupOpen link
Group Id484749
Secretary of AffairsDem_nted
High Commandzestymanbenji, lucky3991942121, byronmk22, roguued
The Diplomatic Arm of the Coalition, handles the numerous affiliations that the group handles with, and in accordance with it, handles with a variety of diplomatic affairs, from contracts, to engagement, to protection agreements, everything associated to the Coalition that is done in an strictly external manner is handled via the PYSCHE.
Rank Description Coalition
Secretary of Affairs The Secretary of Affairs is the complete head of the department. They control nearly everything in regards in the department and are mainly responsible for the quality of the command team. Nexus Command
Coalition Ambassador The Coalition Ambassadors, are selected by the Secretary of Affairs, for their excellency and competency in the PYSCHE Division. Executive Cabinet
Special Observer The Special Observer is rank handled by the PSYCHE Division that is considered "High Command" Major
Press Secretary The Press Secretary is a rank that manages with all external news and information as well as writing public releases and ensuring that diplomatic affairs and its news are not gone to waste to get the message out there. Commander
Diplomatic Staff The Diplomatic Staff of PYSCHE handle with the majority of diplomatic missions, representing the Coalition in the SCP Genre. Lieutenant - Corporal
Staffer Staffers handle with the employment of individuals and ensuring that people are recruited from our affiliates to further expand the interests of the Coalition. Elite Operative - Senior Operative
Intern Interns are the first rank within the PYSCHE Division that handle with the majority of assignments that helps to introduce them to the general ideas and practices of PYSCHE. Operative - Enlisted

The PHYSICS Branch

The PHYSICS Division
GroupOpen link
Group Id17130551
Secretary of Defenceshahenfox2134
High CommandHasprings
The Combative Arm of the Coalition, handles with the combative operations handled on numerous sites, they handle with the more violent base of the forces associated to the cause, carrying out the orders necessary to ensure that individuals follow the line of order, and reason to ensure that the Coalition's goals are met.
Rank Description Coalition
Secretary of Defence The Secretary of Defence is the complete head of the department. They control nearly everything in regards in the department and are mainly responsible for the quality of the command team. Nexus Command
Military Command The Military Command, are selected by the Secretary of Defence, for their ability in leadership positions in the PHYSICS Division. Executive Cabinet
Officer The officers of PHYSICS comprised of numerous ranks, and generally handle with divisional leadership. Commander - Captain
Non-Commissioned Officer The basis of most officer positions within PHYSICS, and the Coalition, is generally the field leadership of individuals within the division, often considered deputy leadership within the associated divisions they are in, shown that they are competent in leadership. Lieutenant - Corporal
Operator Operator is the basic rank of the PHYSICS Division that handles primarily with most basics operations each having their own personal assignments in what their delegated tasks are, and what they do to accomplish those tasks. Operative - Enlisted

The PNEUMA Branch

The PNEUMA Division
GroupOpen link
Group Id550999
Secretary of Coalition Intelligenceroguued
High CommandFictional_Reality, K_zmir, zestymanbenji, perestroykaNO
The Enforcement Arm of the Coalition, handles with the enforcement of policy, and ensuring that all coalition members are to the standard that is expected of our own agents. Individuals that violate the rules can expect to be punished by the PNEUMA Division, this often keeps individuals from going overboard of ensuring personnel brutality never goes beyond the line that the coalition sets.
Rank Description Coalition
Secretary of Coalition Intelligence The Secretary of Coalition Intelligence is the complete head of the department. They control nearly everything in regards in the department and are mainly responsible for the quality of the command team. Nexus Command
Director of Operations The Director of Operations, is selected by the Secretary of Coalition Intelligence, for their excellency and competency in the PYSCHE Division. Executive Cabinet
Deputy Director of Operation The Deputy Director, handles with assisting the presiding director, and ensuring divisional stability via the Security Command Members. Major
Security Command The Security Command Members are some of the more influential members of PNEUMA being able to appeal, and handle with all forms of punishment. Commander
Inspector Inspectors are generally the base of supervisory staff within the Coalition when it comes to enforcement supervision and training. Captain
Security Manager Unknown. Lieutenant
Assistant Security Manager Unknown. Warrant Officer
Senior Supervisor Unknown. Sergeant
Supervisor Unknown. Corporal
Analyst Unknown. Elite Operative
Senior Field Agent Unknown. Specialist
Field Agent Unknown. Senior Operative - Operative
Intern This is the first rank of the PNEUMA Division. Trooper - Enlist

The PTOLEMY Branch

The PTOLEMY Division
GroupOpen link
Group Id550999
Secretary of LogisticsZythlon
High CommandNone
The Development Arm of the Coalition, handles with all construction efforts made by the Coalition to help it expand, in addition to expanding the excessive armoury of the Coalition to help it further in its operations can be attributed to the PTOLEMY Division handling with the testing, building, and deployment usage of the items allocated for usage for the coalition!
Rank Description Coalition
Secretary of Logistics The Secretary of Logistics is the complete head of the department. They control nearly everything in regards in the department and are mainly responsible for the quality of the command team. Nexus Command
Division Director Unknown. Executive Cabinet
Lead Developer Unknown. Engineering Corps
Assistant Development Lead Unknown. Engineering Corps
Senior Developer Unknown. Engineering Corps
Developer Unknown. Engineering Corps
Contractor Unknown. Varies

The PANGAEA Branch

The PANGAEA Division
GroupOpen link
Group Id34116698
Secretary of World SecurityXeXileIVX
High CommandNone
The Emergency Arm of the Coalition, handles with all emergency response efforts made by the Coalition to prevent a complete reality failure and to ensure that the Coalition does not have a major problem with ensuring its normalcy and secrecy from the Public, in addition to this the branch is used as a world correspondent list by numerous groups of interests to contact the Coalition in the need of emergency rather then the PYSCHE Division.