SCPF: THETA/Directors

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The Board of Directors within Special Containment Procedures Foundation: THETA is one of the most important bodies within the Foundation, as all organisation below the administrative body is directly connected to the foundation's department, and clearances at hand. The Board of Directors is comprised of 10 directors and controls every aspect of the foundations normal day-to-day operations, from admissions, to internal disputes, everything gets audited by the Board. Personnel whom seat on the Board of Directors generally receive Security Level 4 as part of their promotion to Director of their respective division, with directors being assigned by their Overseer.

Board of Directors

Director Title Term Started Duration
49030598?size=100x100&.png finalrifles Director of Applied Forces 23 August 2024
25 days
None Director of External Affairs Awaiting New Director.
Awaiting New Director.
1185336468?size=100x100&.png XeXileIVX Director of Maintenance 5 June 2024
3 months, 12 days
19800022?size=100x100&.png Grydor Director of Research 15 June 2023
1 year, 3 months, 2 days
355434293?size=100x100&.png PettyMoth Director of Medicine 14 June 2023
1 year, 3 months, 3 days
1318017136?size=100x100&.png Helper_3810 Chairman of the Committee 15 August 2024
1 month, 2 days
50661351?size=100x100&.png Ninjx_exe Director of Acting 17 March 2024
6 months
61362507?size=100x100&.png tommyram Director of Lore 16 August 2024
1 month, 1 day
1816510573?size=100x100&.png ann2quiet Head of Community Engagement 10 August 2024
1 month, 7 days
229994492?size=100x100&.png VisInvicta Head of Community Moderation 16 July 2024
2 months, 1 day

Directorate History

Department of Applied Forces

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (2)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
noblewatch 18 July 2024 4 August 2024 17 Days
RockerApollo 4 August 2024 23 August 2024 19 Days
finalrifles 23 August 2024 Incumbent 25 days

Department of External Affairs

In order of term ended.

First Secretary Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (2)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
Helper_3810 Unknown August 15 2024 ~1 Year
Technovious August 15 2024 September 6 2024 23 Days

Engineering & Logistics

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (1)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
Kailenthekai 29 September 2023 5 June 2024 8 Months, 7 Days
XeXileIVX 5 June 2024 Incumbent 3 months, 12 days

Scientific Department

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
Grydor 15 June 2023 Incumbent 1 year, 3 months, 2 days

Medical Department

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
PettyMoth 14 June 2023 Incumbent 1 year, 3 months, 3 days

Ethics Committee

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (1)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
TanaAutarch 1 November 2023 30 July 2024 8 Months, 29 Days
Helper_3810 August 15 2024 Incumbent 1 month, 2 days

Manufacturing Department

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
(Lead Developer) dayflare 1 March 2022 Incumbent 2 years, 6 months, 16 days
(Quality Director) Ninjx_exe 17 March 2024 Incumbent 6 months
(Lore Director) tommyram August 2024 Incumbent 1 month, 2 days

Community Management

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
ann2quiet 10 August 2024 Incumbent 1 month, 7 days
VisInvicta 16 July 2024 Incumbent 2 months, 1 day

Anomaly Acting

In order of term ended.

Director Term Started Term Ended Duration
   Resigned (0)   Removed (0)   Shutdown (0)   Unknown (0) 
Ninjx_exe 17 March 2024 Incumbent 6 months